Importer and supplier of frozen fish products for the catering and retail sectors in Romania
For many years, we have been active in former Eastern Bloc countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. Furthermore, the Romanian company Oceanis Seafood Europa SRL (OSE) has been a subsidiary of Dayseaday since 2012.
Within just five years, Oceanis Seafood Europa had become a major player, establishing a fantastic reputation in Romania and neighbouring countries thanks to an extensive range of 160 products, high quality, reliability, continuity, flexibility and competitive prices.
The fish is transported by container ship via the port city of Constanța and then by road from Urk and other locations in Europe. Oceanis Seafood also imports fish from Turkey and Bulgaria. The company has a storage capacity of 1,000 pallets.
The company has a storage capacity of 1,000 pallets.
From their cold storage unit, manager Bogdan Manoliu and his highly enthusiastic team supplies products all over Romania to clients in the wholesale and catering sectors. They even supply world-famous hotel chains both directly and indirectly, such as Marriott, Sheraton and Novotel. The company is a solid and reliable collaboration partner.
Managerul (Oceanis Seafood Europa) Bogdan Manoliu, impreuna cu echipa lui tanara si entuziasta, asigura vanzarile catre distribuitorii si retailerii din zona, coordonand afacerea din biroul si depozitul din Bucuresti. Atat direct cat si indirect, Oceanis Seafood Europa livreaza produsele catre lanturile hoteliere, catre resturante, catre retaileri locali dar si catre marii distribuitori de produse alimentare din Romania, Ungaria si Bulgaria. Capacitatea de stocare a companiei este de 1000 de paleti si livrarile pe tot teritoriul Romaniei sunt desfasurate zilnic.
Aprovizionarea se face prin containere primite in portul Constanta si prin camioane (TIR-uri) ce sosesc direct din Urk (Olanda) sau din alte parti ale Europei. Deasemeni, compania importa peste si din Turcia si Bulgaria, tari invecinate. Pe parcursul a 5 ani de activitate, compania a profitat de sansa de a deveni un jucator important in piata, devenind un important distribuitor de peste si fructe de mare congelate. Datorita sortimentului variat (peste 160 articole), a calitatii produselor si serviciilor, sigurantei, continuitatii, flexibilitatii si nu in ultimul rand a preturilor competitive, Oceanis Seafood Europa este un jucator important pe piata de profil din Romania si din tarile invecinate.